"The Swing is The Thing!"

Learn Lasso
Dorking, Surrey, UK

You are probably reading this because you want to learn how to use a lasso? Well, you've come to the right place if you live in Surrey or an adjacent county!
Anybody can have a go - you don't need a horse.
All ages are welcome, there's no minimum age. We have taught a four year old to lasso... but realistically speaking eight might be a good place to start.
We use static targets called 'calf roping dummies'. plastic steers heads with horns which we lasso from the ground on foot.
We are a self-taught, Father & Son team based in Dorking. With us you'll learn the core skills you need to lasso like a pro - if you practice enough!
We may not be cowboys but we can show you how to:
Make Your Coils
Build a Loop
The Swing
Pull The Slack
Pop The Dallies

At the end of the workshop you will be awarded the
Learn Lasso
Certificate of Achievement
and our
Just remember...
"The Swing is The Thing!"

A workshop session lasts for about 2 hours.
Here's a window on to one boy's lasso journey...
We teach lasso on the ground using "calf roping dummies". It's much less messy than learning on a live animal - and more ethical!

What We Do
Birthday Parties
Individual & Group Tuition
Festivals & Fairs
Groundwork for
Mounted Roping
Guides & Scouts
Training One to One
School Groups
Home-Ed Groups
Bushcraft Folk
Western Riding Schools
Classical Riding Schools
Combined Cadet Forces - CCF
Corporate Events
And more!
Throwin' Loops
Here's some videos of Charlie and Paloma working a dummy calf roping sled
and some livestock...

Dummy Calf Roping Sled

Slo-mo Head Shot

Heel Shot

Ranch Roping
Roping Ethics
We do not rope cattle for sport.
When practicing "Ranch Roping" (working with livestock) we use dedicated safety lassos that are made with a "break-away hondo" which snaps open as soon as the slack goes out of the rope to minimise discomfort.

"Learning to lasso or ‘roping’ was brilliant fun for our whole group, which spanned ages 11 to 44!"
"Having Louis really helped the boys to see they could also learn, wasn’t an ‘adult’ skill."
"Learn Lasso was fantastic fun, really interesting and I learnt a new skill! "
"Charlie and Louis were friendly, knowledgeable and patient in their teaching."